Introduction: Pyramid Therapy is one of the oldest therapies in the world. Pyramid therapy has the power to cure all ailments or diseases. Most of the people think of pyramids is from Egypt . But the fact is that the origin benefits of pyramid shape was described by Indian Rishis much earlier in India, even thousands of years ago the temples of India had this pyramid shape at the top. The base of the ‘Yagna kund’ was given this shape.
Benefits: Pyramid is highly beneficial for human beings because it has unique qualities like – The geometry of the pyramid liberates a very strong pranic field or bio-energy inside it. Due to this property pyramid is beneficial in increasing the bio-energy of human being. It also increases the bio-energy level of vegetables, foods, water, milk etc., when kept inside it for a certain period. And by consuming these products that energy is absorbed by the human body.
Process of using Pyramid: The apex of the pyramid releases energy which is hot in nature and the energy released from the base gives a cooling effect. These factors are to be borne in mind while using pyramid. Normally for general treatments, pyramids should be kept on affected organ 10-20 minutes daily. A small pyramid should be kept in every house to prevent and cure all diseases. For best result pyramid should be aligned before using.

What is it used for:- A person meditating in a pyramid shows EEG patterns akin to that seen in people doing transcendental meditation. The experiences of meditating inside a Pyramid are remarkable. People get a feeling of relaxation, clairvoyance, clairaudience and tranquility. If they sleep in a pyramid, their sleep will be deep and they wake up refreshed; only few hours of sleep will give total relaxation. If you read inside the pyramid, you can do it with greater concentration and understanding. Agricultural experts showed that plant growth is enhanced by the electromagnetic phenomenon within the Pyramid. Water placed in the pyramid has curative properties especially for chronic skin disorders. Pyramid can put a break to the ageing process, as demonstrated in lower forms of life. Women sleeping in pyramids get their periods regular and normal and stop any dysmenorhoea.
Pyramids accumulate several different types of energies like negative ions, electromagnetic and cosmic vibrations. Even grains of sand from certain places have positive therapeutic effects due to their pyramidal shape.
What after all, a human being desires is a life free of sickness. The significance of this point is further stressed by the sage Thiruvalluvar in his couplet under the chapter 'Medicine'. "No need of, medicine to heal your body's pain, if, what you ate before, digested well, you eat again" (No medicine is necessary for him who eats after assuring (himself) that what he has (already) eaten has been already digested). One should consume food after a good appetite. Presently, there is an inclination towards nature diet. This nature diet is being followed all over the world.
Among all living organisms, human beings alone consume cooked food. Animals consume uncooked food, so their life expectancy is high. Sleeplessness, restlessness, weakness, anger, and wearings affect the persons who consume cooked food.
Pyramid is a great healer. Researches are beings conducted unceasingly by the scientists of U.S.A. and Germany. In short, Pyramid is a polyclinic. Here is an example. It was a Sunday. Doctors would not work on Sundays. A middle aged lady, was suffering due to unbearable tooth-ache. One of her friends suggested her to sit inside a wooden pyramid. She did reluctantly not having belief in pyramid power. She was relieved of her pain instantly and completely to her surprise.
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